Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Phoenix Rising

Part 1: Ashes to ashes

On November 3, 2010 the Federal Reserve Bank made perhaps the single most important announcement concerning monetary policy in the history of the United States of America. Ben Bernanke and the Federal Open Market Committee announced that the Fed would be embarking on a round of quantitative easing. In reality what the Fed was telling the populace was that they would be purchasing $600 billion of Treasury Bonds. In simpler terms yet, they agreed to purchase debt of the United States by pumping a extra $600 billion in freshly minted bills into the monetary supply, or, they agreed to monetize the debt.

Simple economics states that when you increase the amount of a currency in circulation without proper growth in whatever material backs said currency, you decrease it’s intrinsic value. In this case, they are trading debt, for a even bigger pile of debt plus interest. The public spin on this, is that with more currency in circulation, more would be available to be spent, thus stimulating the economy. What is not being discussed here in the U.S. is that with devaluation of the currency comes inflation, given the $600 billion tag attached, I would suggest Hyperinflation. I would even suggest that this was the real intent of Bernanke and the gentlemen from Jekyll Island, more on this in a moment.

Some may remember that post the spring meeting of the G-20, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was the focus of attention with statements like "U.S. consumers are going to be less of a source of demand for the world in the future". Most assumed this statement was about the economic downturn and dismissed it as nothing more. The problem is the statement is about a future world, presumably post recession. So if the statement can not be taken into the context of the recession, what could Geithner have been referring to? Keeping in mind that this G-20 meeting was held among finance ministers who had, or would, call for replacement of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

Such suggestions came from ministers of nations such as Russia, China, Brazil, Germany, as well as officials from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. This came as a United Nations: Trade and Development Report argued the dollars replacement. Could THIS possibly be what Geithner was referencing? If so, what might a move away from the U.S. Dollar as the world’s reserve currency look like? How might such a move be made against arguably one of the strongest monetary markets on the planet? If you answered, by devaluing the currency, you can now see the level of importance of the Fed’s announcement regarding quantitative easing.

To further examine this possibility, we should take a look at global reaction to the decision by Bernanke and crew. Brazil, China, and European finance ministers have openly condemned the action with little logic employed in their explanations, despite their desire to see the dollar go the way of the dinosaur.   The dollar is sinking like a stone, while other markets are gaining ground. Once again the calls have begun for a new global reserve currency. In addition to the chorus already mentioned, the G-20 added the topic to their discussions for the recent meeting. While reports on this meeting show no clear consensus on the global reserve currency, reforms to the IMF were agreed upon that could essentially (pardon the pun) ‘pass the buck’ on this decision to the IMF, World Bank, and UN.

Notably silent in this debate has been the United States Treasury Department, or any member of the Executive Branch for that matter. What has come forward is a lot of double speak and misleading talk from Geithner concerning the dollar’s loss of value. Keep in mind this is the man who in October stated that the U.S. would not pursue a "deliberate policy of devaluing the dollar".

Given these developments, I saw it important to begin a companion series to my Traceability in a Sustainable World articles. While the previous series deals with identifying pieces of a emerging system and incremental advancement. This series will deal with economic developments and unilateral advancement of the entire New Economic Order. The topics will be related, but separated by context of local versus global, or segmented versus wholistic. Continued thanks go to all who have supported and participated in the work that goes into these articles. As always comments and discussion on this material are greatly encouraged.


  1. JD,
    Thanks for posting this and for all of your research.
    In addition to the economic signs of the Phoenix rising I have been watching with interest a number of things that I think are interconnected.

    You are probably already familiar with these sites, but they are rather breathtaking in terms of the scope of advancement into biotechs, genomes, cloning,etc.



    I almost laughed out loud when I saw that the last site sells luciferace assay kits, whatever that is! Also on that site we see an ad at the top of the page that says:
    "Infect all cells" and New- Introducing antitag antibodies- 20% off when purchased with a clone!"

    I sent you this link in an email but I want to post it here, too, because it is well worth taking the time to read. Although it's coming from a new age website, it appears from my research that everything in this article is backed up by fact regarding Venter and his escapades into creating new life forms synthetically, and who is financed by BP and Exxon:


    So if we look at this guy J. Craig Venter who is playing God, and who is also in cohoots with Exxon and BP to develop new synthetic lifeforms,immune to antibiotics and being patented with watermarks, (he already has developed a synthetic bacteria and it's in the Gulf of Mexico apparently thriving) as well as VACCINES, one can get very suspicious about the BIG picture. Interesting that the bug is named "Synthia". (A theist believes in at least one God, maybe the God of sin?)

    Now think about the scientists including Venter who are trying to add a triple helix to the DNA strand and one wonders if we are being systematically poisoned with alien life forms through genetically modified food and food stuffs, and now synthetic microbacteria is possibly in the seafood and birds and therefore the food chain is polluted with alien life forms. Then add cloning, trans humanism, and nanotechnology injections into this witches' brew and i can't help but wonder if we are not just replicating the horrors of Nazism, only this time on a much more highly technical scale.

    I guess what I am trying to say is that I think there is a deliberate manipulation of creation going on, with the intention to kill off what the Luciferians would consider an inferior species and either create a more highly evolved race or make the survivors of this manipulation evolve or 'shift' to a level where they are controlled by Satan via computer. (Here again is where the link about the Gulf Plague is well worth reading.)

    IS is possible that Satan and the Nephalim have infected God's creation deliberately over time immortal? (Book of Enoch/ book of Jude)

    I know this sounds really out there, but maybe not to you so I decided to post my thoughts. I don't wish to post this over at Cumbey, because I can't stand all the religious in-fighting there. From my viewpoint all Christians are being attacked now by satanic forces and that is much more important than arguing over whose version of the bible is more correct. However, I am seeing first hand here that we are in the early stages of what I think is going to erupt into a major calamity. People are sick here, the loop current is not normal, and I believe we are going to see major food shortages connected directly and indirectly to the Gulf Deepwater disaster. I have been sick for 5 months now and when I took a walk with my husband on the beach on Sunday night, we saw a large dead bird in the sand. I think that hyperinflation, plague, food, fuel and water shortages are right around the corner and are being created by powerful globalists out to destroy God's people. If ever it was a time to daily stay in the Word and pray, it is now.


  2. Part one of this comment:

    Thanks for posting this and for all of your research.
    In addition to the economic signs of the Phoenix rising I have been watching with interest a number of things that I think are interconnected.

    You are probably already familiar with these sites, but they are rather breathtaking in terms of the scope of advancement into biotechs, genomes, cloning,etc.



    I almost laughed out loud when I saw that the last site sells luciferace assay kits, whatever that is! Also on that site we see an ad at the top of the page that says:
    "Infect all cells" and New- Introducing antitag antibodies- 20% off when purchased with a clone!"

    I sent you this link in an email but I want to post it here, too, because it is well worth taking the time to read. Although it's coming from a new age website, it appears from my research that everything in this article is backed up by fact regarding Venter and his escapades into creating new life forms synthetically, and who is financed by BP and Exxon:


    So if we look at this guy J. Craig Venter who is playing God, and who is also in cohoots with Exxon and BP to develop new synthetic lifeforms,immune to antibiotics and being patented with watermarks, (he already has developed a synthetic bacteria and it's in the Gulf of Mexico apparently thriving) as well as VACCINES, one can get very suspicious about the BIG picture. Interesting that the bug is named "Synthia". (A theist believes in at least one God, maybe the God of sin?)

    Now think about the scientists including Venter who are trying to add a triple helix to the DNA strand and one wonders if we are being systematically poisoned with alien life forms through genetically modified food and food stuffs, and now synthetic microbacteria is possibly in the seafood and birds and therefore the food chain is polluted with alien life forms. Then add cloning, trans humanism, and nanotechnology injections into this witches' brew and i can't help but wonder if we are not just replicating the horrors of Nazism, only this time on a much more highly technical scale.


  3. Part 2 of comment:

    I guess what I am trying to say is that I think there is a deliberate manipulation of creation going on, with the intention to kill off what the Luciferians would consider an inferior species and either create a more highly evolved race or make the survivors of this manipulation evolve or 'shift' to a level where they are controlled by Satan via computer. (Here again is where the link about the Gulf Plague is well worth reading.)

    IS is possible that Satan and the Nephalim have infected God's creation deliberately over time immortal? (Book of Enoch/ book of Jude)

    I know this sounds really out there, but maybe not to you so I decided to post my thoughts. I don't wish to post this over at Cumbey, because I can't stand all the religious in-fighting there. From my viewpoint all Christians are being attacked now by satanic forces and that is much more important than arguing over whose version of the bible is more correct. However, I am seeing first hand here that we are in the early stages of what I think is going to erupt into a major calamity. People are sick here, the loop current is not normal, and I believe we are going to see major food shortages connected directly and indirectly to the Gulf Deepwater disaster. I have been sick for 5 months now and when I took a walk with my husband on the beach on Sunday night, we saw a large dead bird in the sand. I think that hyperinflation, plague, food fuel and water shortages are right around the corner and are being created by powerful globalists out to destroy God's people. If ever it was a time to daily stay in the Word and pray, it is now.


  4. Greenpeace in the Gulf of Mexico: Pawns of the Elite and BP:


  5. Hopper,

    Thanks for the links. Admittedly, I am not as familiar as I should be with what has transpired in the Gulf since they killed the well. So if there is a bio engineering or eugenics project going on there I don't know. I do know that these type of things are taking place through food, technology, etc. I will have to take a deeper look at what you presented to be able to comment more.

    Sorry I am a little behind on this. I have spent the majority of my time cleaning up bio engineered messes my daughter leaves for me. When I have had time my focus has been on topics related to these specific investigations.

  6. JD,

    I tried to post a response to you over on the Cumby blog in which I took ownership of the "Agent Provacateur 2:58" comment. 99.9% (don't turn it upside down) of the time I post using omots or my "registered" google name. You might say I posted under "Agent" because I can't always control the streak of sarcasm that lives in my bones. And no, I am not the troll hiding behind anonymous who posted any of those rude comments on the other threads. I own my comments and am accountable for what I write. But I just went back and checked, and my follow up comment to you using my google account name, "oldmanoftheski" did not post for some reason of which I am not privy. Maybe it will show up later, don't know, but I didn't save it so it's gone at least for now.

    I assumed you really meant what you said about "fostering a lively discussion" about this topic My opinions are often contrary to the accepted line of reasoning, but I think we probably agree on the bottom line. Here's my take...

    You seem to be saying some new all encompassing beast system will arise out of the ashes after this present system is “destroyed”. The whole “out of the ashes” Alice Bailey sort of thing. I’m not buying that. This present system IS the beast system. It’s so-called demise is nothing but a ruse. Any so-called “new” system will be built on the foundation already lain. We aren't being “holy” or "righteous" by protecting what we think we deserve, have, or want, i.e. through Christian dominionism, patriotism, or some Glen Beck style fight for liberty.


  7. People are not going to be tricked into accepting the mark of the beast. We have created this beast system and allowed it to take over and rule our world. We built this tower just like we put Christ on the cross. No one is innocent or immune. People will be held to account.

    Some believe they can avoid the awful choices by becoming more “independent”, raising backyard chickens, learning to barter, and so forth. But the contrived panic over bird flu and salmonella laden eggs has given rise to the NAIS and the soon to be passed, “Food Safety Act’, which is designed to destory our last vestiges of “independence”. Back yard gardeners and organic farmers are going to have to buy their genetically altered time stamped seeds from Monsanto just like people are being forced to do right now in Haiti, (remember them?)

  8. It used to be that rural people could store a year or two of gasoline in a big tank out in the backyard. No more. The new mandated additives in gasoline make storage by the average joe impossible. Gasoline now goes bad after only a month or two.

    Some people are buying up guns thinking they can live off the land. These folks haven’t heard about wolf reintroduction, or the massive increases in federal spending for policing hunting regulations or the devastating penalties imposed for “poaching”.

    Elk herds are diminishing rapidly in all areas where wolves are present. Grizzly bears and cougars are becoming much more aggressive due to increased competition. The natural implication is, that if we want to survive in this world, we’re going to have to become much more aggressive, just like the grizzly bear. The other choice is to fall in line, to be obedient to the world system. Either way, we lose.

    Got money? Go to the bank and try to withdraw $5,000 in cash. The teller will look at you funny and say, "I'm sorry sir, we don't have that much cash on hand. We'll have to order it." Order it? From whom? The money god?

    The trap is not coming as some believe, it's already here.

    But there is a way out. I believe the true followers of Christ are going to stand up and represent a third way. I believe you and I agree about this. We don’t know who these people are. We hope and pray we are strong enough spiritually to stand when everything around us is falling apart. We hope and pray we are strong enough to stand when the sword is raised over our heads. But appearances are deceiving. Time will tell. Nobody knows what’s in a man’s heart except God.

    I commend your work, but I challenge some of the presuppositions you appear to be making. I do think we have the same viewpoint of the endgame though.

  9. Sorry JD, my post was too long and in trying to break it up, I screwed it up....here are the first couple paragraphs I tried to post here.. the rest, which appears above, is parts 2, 3 Hope you can make sense of the miss mash.

    I tried to post a response to you over on the Cumby blog in which I took ownership of the "Agent Provacateur 2:58" comment. 99.9% (don't turn it upside down) of the time I post using omots or my registered blogger name. You might say I posted under "Agent" because I don't always control the streak of sarcasm that lives in my bones. And no, I am not the troll hiding behind anonymous who posted those rude comments on the other threads. I own my comments. But I just went back and checked, and my follow up comment under my google account name, "oldmanoftheski" did not post for some reason of which I am not privy. Maybe it will show up later, don't know, but I didn't save it so it's gone at least for the time being.

    Anyway, I assume you really meant what you said about "fostering a lively discussion." My opinions are often contrary to the accepted line of reasoning, but I think we agree on the bottom line. Here's my take...

    You say some new all encompassing beast system will arise out of the ashes after this present system is “destroyed”. The whole “out of the ashes” Alice Bailey sort of thing. I’m not buying that. This present system IS the beast system. It’s so-called demise is nothing but a ruse. Any so-called “new” system will be built on the foundation already lain. Thinking that we are being “holy” by protecting and holding onto what we think we have, or have a right to, i.e. through Christian dominionism, patriotism, some Glen Beck style fight for liberty, is ludicrous.

  10. JD,

    I posted a comment addressed to you on the Cumby blog late last night. It was there when I logged off, but it wasn't there this morning. I also posted here. The first time I tried to comment, error msg said it too many characters to post, so I broke it into three sections, part 2 and 3 posted just fine and are visible. I have no idea where part 1 went or where my comment on the Cumby blog went.

    Please contact me, the "agent provacateur" omots, at your earliest convenience via my gmail addy.


  11. JD,

    No problem. I don't have time to read much of the stuff I initially set out to read either.

    I am increasingly wondering if the food scare crisis is less about genocide and more about infecting humans with the Mark of the Beast. To some extent I definitely agree with OMOTS in that we are already living in it.

    Evidently Brian Williams did a story the other night on the dangers of farmed Asian seafood. Although completely true, the timing of the report is questionable. I have known about the dangers of farmed Asian seafood for a very long time as well as Monsanto seed and the rest. 90% of the public doesn't care to take the time to do the research. So now we are on the verge of seeing unprecedented control over the food supply , via Senate bill S-510, the Food Safety Act, at the same time that the public is getting scared and genetically engineered salmon is being rammed through by the FDA. At the same time the Gulf seafood is being consumed by many unsuspecting people, while it could contain a new genetically manipulated lifeform that is controlled through a lab computer. If we think about parasitic infections, eventually the parasite takes over the host in many situations. Is that the intention? Is the beast system an intent to ultimately pollute God's creation with Satan's (the Antichrist's) mark?

    Weirdly, this patented organism that is thriving in the Gulf has a watermark! I could be nuts, but I have been reading the bible every day and praying for discernment so hopefully I am being guided by the Spirit of God and not something else.

    I just read this, and found it very interesting:


  12. I just watched part 1 and 2 of the Techno Calps series that you posted below. Very informative and goes hand in hand with what I have been thinking about!

    Those videos are 2 years old, which means that technology has advanced at least a double times since then. These people want to live forever, they want to be as Gods and they have no moral compass holding them back! I suddenly understood what would make the Unibomber go off the deep end! He was ahead of his time but knew where technology was going.

    The Craig Venter synthetic life form will be interesting to watch. Can they control it? Will it do it's function of go out of control?

    Key points to ponder is that it is only a matter of time before they take human cells (DNA) and afix them outside the brain to these microchips that correspond to brain neurons, and which use electrical impulses (computers) to communicate commands to the brain. If they don't need to implant the microchip into the human brain to get it to act like brain tissue, than its easy to predict the rest of the story. Simply create an emergency like a plague or inject biological warfare (Synthia?) into the environment to create a global pandemic and everyone could be forced to give a sample of their DNA in order to get a vaccine. Once there is bank of DNA corresponding to every individual on the planet, then these samples can be used to control people via the nanobots.

    The nanobots can be programmed to do anything. People who aren't killed by biological warfare will be controlled by nanobots who can be programmed to do any task, including telling the host to kill itself! Agenda 21 at its easiest!Once the population is reduced the elite can use the nanobots to do the tasks that the nasty humans
    once did, only without the worry of sustaining the planet's resources! The controllers (global elite) get to live forever and do whatever they please, assuming that the nanobots don't take them over! LOL!

    If I had watched this 2 years ago I would have though it ridiculous, but knowing what I know now, I see that the Mark of the Beast is already here, though still in a rudimentary form without all the missing pieces.

    It must be difficult to have little children in these times. But God will make the evil little more than chaff in the wind.This was predicted in the Garden and now it is here.


  13. Hopper,

    I am glad you got to watch those parts, they do lend some insight on the ideas behind technological advancements and the human condition. In context I found part 3 far more interesting, as it deals with man ascending into godhood via evolutionary process aided by technology.

  14. Thanx JD,

    Hopefully, i'll find the time soon to read the third installment. Those issues are critically important!

    Take care,

  15. OK, perhaps I'm stating the obvious; but, here goes:

    My take is that the goal is do away with the dollar which will cause the US economy to crash. While this will likely hurt the entire global economy in the short run, I believe it will quickly recover with the new carbon-based currency.

    This crash will force Americans to accept the already developing Marxist-type state under Obama (we're used to being pampered); and, with the US no longer a super-power as a result, it will be that much easier to implement the global agenda.

  16. the dollar is already being phased out as an international means of exchange in the oil trading thing. An alternative is developing in Russia and far east.

    The only reason prices rise when dollars increase, is not because of intrinsic value. it is because of choices of people. That is why quantitative easing won't work in the absence of wage price controls.
